Welcome to the Sanbo Zendo Weyarn!
- Here you can get a solid introduction to zazen (Zen meditation),
- practice zazen to come back to yourself,
- practice zazen to discover your true Self,
- explore the koan training course according to Sanbôzen.
The Sanbôzen School
The school of Zen represented at Sanbo Zendo Weyarn is called Sanbôzen. The main aim of Sanbôzen is to directly grasp our true nature through dedicated Zen practice and to realize it in our own lives. more
Our Zendo (Meditation Hall)
In the midst of nature of the Mangfall Valley south of Munich, at the foot of the monastery village of Weyarn is the zazen hall, the Sanbo Zendo Weyarn. It is a place where Zen of the Sanbôzen School is intensively taught and practiced. more
Greeting from Migaku Sato
Next courses
In Search of the True Self | Zen Sesshin...
Zazenkai with Dokusan possibility | Zen Meditation
The Teachers
Prof. Dr. Migaku Sato
is a Zen master of Sanbôzen. He is Professor Emeritus of New Testament, was a Zen disciple of Yamada Kôun, and has been authorized to teach Zen since 2004. more
Hannelore Müller, MD
is a Zen Teacher of Sanbôzen. She is involved in traditional Chinese medicine and works as a specialist in psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy. more
Dr. Valerie Forstman
is an Associate Zen Master of Sanbôzen. She studied theology and music and teaches in the areas of Hebrew Bible and spirituality. more
Richard Maurer
is an Assistant Zen Teacher of Sanbôzen. He studied Catholic theology, Romance studies and German studies and taught at schools in Munich and Singapore. more
With our newsletter we inform you about Zen, spirituality and education - and especially about the activities of Sanbo Zendo Weyarn.
Marion Kolb,
Secondary school teacher
It is wonderful to be able to fully engage in the sitting, to stay completely with yourself even in the daily work in and around the zendo (Samu) and thus quickly come to inner peace.
I cannot imagine a better Zen teacher than Migaku Sato. He translates the texts from Japanese (7th century and others) and tries to find a language in German that a person living today can understand - which is quite an extraordinary achievement in relation to a Zen text. One senses his absolute conviction, which he also conveys as a teacher with wit and charm, so that it is also possible to listen intently during the Teisho.
Danny M. Fiebig,
Mediator and coach
A Zen sesshin is a particularly valuable time. What happens inside during this time of silence is difficult to describe in words.
The Domicilium Weyarn is a wonderful place where you can feel the fruits of long practice of many people. Today, no one needs to travel to Asia to experience authentic Zen practice. Everything can be found here.
I am very grateful that I found my teacher Hannelore Müller, MD. For me, she embodies authentic, living Zen. The support she has given me on the path of practice for many years is indispensable and invaluable.